
2015年5月13日 星期三

【Nikkei】【Day Trading Highlight】Seven Bank (8410) セブン銀行

Nikkei】【Day Trading HighlightSeven Bank (8410) セブン銀行

This is another Day Trading Highlight. Seven Bank is under 7-11 company. In Japan, all the 7-11 has a ATM and cooperate with lots of banks. If your bank belong these banks, you can draw your money with no charge 4 times/ month. In Japan, if you want use A bank’s card on B bank’s ATM, then you need to pay some trading fee. In some local bank, even you are withdraw the money during bank’s off time or holiday, you still need to pay trading fee!

Interested, isn’t it?

Base on this situation, I think seven-bank has strong potential in the ATM market. In another way, if some bank want to set a ATM in country side of Japan, it cost a lot and you need maintain it. But for seven bank’s ATM, you only need to put an ATM machine in 7-11 stores, then seven bank can be spread easier than other bank.

That’s the main reason why I put money in seven bank (8410).

Back to price, before Japanese golden week, seven bank (8410) was arrived on 650, but after the vacation was over, the price become lower and lower. I thought this time is a good chance to play day trading since previous relatively high price dealing was done. The price has high possibility to back 600 again, in my opinion.

